“My family and friends all laughed when I said I was going
to write some books.

But then I made one of my books a New York Times Best Seller and
my life has never been the same!”

Read on for my story plus an invitation to a free Internet seminar on Thursday, May 3rd on how I create bestsellers using email, blogs and social media – all at almost no cost.

FROM: Peggy McColl

Dear Friend:

Becoming a bestselling author changed my life in ways I could never have expected.

  • After my book hit the New York Times Best Seller List, I was able to get a $100,000.00 advance for my next two books.
  • I’ve appeared on many radio/TV shows including Good Morning America Radio, CBS Newswatch, Voice of America and been featured in the Los Angeles Times and other print publications.
  • I’ve been able to quadruple my speaking fee and have spoken at the same events as Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Bob Proctor, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Cheryl Richardson, Debbie Ford and others. Plus, today when I’m introduced to an audience, they always mention that I’m a New York Times bestselling author!
  • Best of all, I regularly get letters from people all over the world telling me how my books touched and inspired them.
  • I was contacted by a Hollywood movie producer asking me not only to help launch the movie but also be in it!
  • I've traveled the world to promote my books including a multi-city book tour which included South Africa and even have people recognize me in airports!

It all started when I decided
to write my first book

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to write a book because I knew I had things to say which could help other people.

I procrastinated for years then finally decided to buckle down and get my first book done.

When I made that commitment, I was extremely excited but somewhat surprised how skeptical my family and friends were. My ex-husband was the worst – he completely pooh-poohed the idea that others might be interested in what I had to say.

In retrospect, I must admit my loved ones had reason to be skeptical – after all, I was a publishing novice and didn’t have much money to invest in book promotion, let alone hire a fancy PR firm to get me publicity.

In any event, after much hard work I finally finished my first book On Being…The Creator of Your Destiny. I’ll never forget the day the delivery guy delivered my first set of books ... I was so excited!

Since I published the book myself, I soon found myself with a dining room full of 3,000 books. I was in a place called "ignorance" and believe me, it wasn't bliss. I knew something had to go -- either the dining room furniture or the books.

I tried getting my books into a bunch of stores but that proved very tough. I did some author signings and many other traditional book promotion methods but I wasn't selling many books.

Nothing seemed to be working and I was getting very frustrated. I’d written my books so others could benefit from them – not to see them gathering dust in my dining room.

Nothing was working for me, until
two fellow authors taught me their
“Almost Zero Cost Bestseller Formula”

Fortunately, by chance, I became friends with two authors who’d both used a very unique method to make their self-published books bestsellers almost overnight and at practically no cost.

Because my two author friends each had tremendous success promoting their books online with this method, I decided to carefully study every step of their strategy to sell books online. Two weeks later I launched my first online campaign. I have to tell you, I was scared and really didn't know what to expect.

In my particular case, this first time around I wasn’t aiming to be a bestseller, but rather wanted to drive people to my own website because I wanted to keep the entire retail price people paid for my books. I also had other products I wanted to make available to people who bought my book.

Well, about six hours after launching my campaign, I checked my email and couldn’t believe what I saw! There in my inbox were hundreds of orders for my book. And they kept coming in. I had to get my neighbor from across the street to come and help me process all the orders that were pouring in!!

I tried to go to sleep that night but I couldn’t. For one thing, I was more excited than I had ever been in my life. And throughout the night, I kept hearing my computer say “you’ve got mail” every time an order came in.

Within just 48 hours, I'd generated
$35,618.52 in sales!

A lot of other exciting things happened too. Since I'd driven people to my website, they were not only buying my book, they were also buying other products I offered!

Then a national magazine called me and asked if they could run some articles they saw I'd written and posted on my website. A local television show wanted to interview me… so did three other radio stations.

A few days later my dining room was filled again --- only this time with my book inside a package ready to ship out to the happy buyers in 30 countries all over the world! I'd discovered a way to sell books, get recognition, sell more books and get the publicity I'd previously only dreamed of!

Today I earn a very comfortable six-figure income working from home -- and I owe it all to learning how to market my books on the Internet!

For my next book, I used the
same formula to hit the
New York Times Best Seller List!

When I decided to write my next book, Your Destiny Switch, I decided I wanted to make it a bestseller, so I applied the Bestseller Formula strategy and it worked even better than I expected because on May 20, 2007, my book hit #13 on the New York Times Best Seller List for hardcover advice books! But that's not all, the book was also #2 on Amazon (just behind Harry Potter) and #3 on Barnes & Noble.

Here's Your Destiny Switch ranked at #13
on New York Times Best Seller List

New York Times

Here's Your Destiny Switch ranked at #2
on Amazon.com


My book also made it to #3 on Barnes & Noble

Now I also use blogs and social media as part of my Bestseller Blueprint

In the last year, I’ve added two new weapons to my book marketing arsenal: blogs and social media.

For instance, I’ve developed a Content Syndication Process to get book excerpts or other publicity about my books on high-traffic blogs. I used this system to get coverage on the Huffington Post twice. I was also featured on the leading personal branding blog with over 100,000 visitors per month. One of the great things about blog publicity is once you get it, it’s usually there forever and can promote your book continually.

I’ve also uncovered some clever ways to promote books using Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. For instance, you should definitely have a Facebook page for each and every book you publish – but you’ve got to know how to set it up the right way.

Want to discover how to make
your book a bestseller?

Join me and Steve Harrison
for a free Internet seminar
(aka “webinar”) on
Thursday, May 3rd

I’m forever grateful to my two author friends who took me under their wing and showed me their methods for selling books online.

Now it’s my turn to teach you how to use my techniques to make your own book a bestseller.

I’d like to invite you to a free Internet seminar (also known as a “webinar”) on Thursday, May 3rd on which I’ll be interviewed by my colleague Steve Harrison, whose company puts out a number of great resources for authors and publishers including Reporter Connection and Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR. I’m proud to be one of his faculty members and share what I’ve learned with other authors. Click here now to register for this free webinar.

If you can’t make the webinar on Thursday, register anyway because we’ll be sending out a bunch of other book marketing tips to everyone who registers – including some tips for selling more books on Amazon everyday. Again, go here now to register for Thursday's webinar


copyright © by Peggy McColl and MyAuthorStory.com. All rights reserved.